Natural - Easy - Optimal

The manufacturer AQUARIO specialises in high-quality acrylic CO2 diffusers, very efficient bio- CO2 systems and other accessories for aquarists. AQUARIO, since founded in 2010, follows the guiding principle of offering every aquarist the opportunity to create a near-natural aquascape with the help of its product range. Therefore, AQUARIO offers exquisite and discreet aquarium accessories that do not disturb the layout of an aquarium. Furthermore, they are constantly working on optimising their products and expanding the product range with innovations. Since 2022, the product range has been available in New Zealand.


Aquario launched water conditioners in 2010 and has sold millions of bottles since then. Aquario's water conditioners are the number one in Korea and have successfully conquered European aquarium markets.

Their excellent quality and safety are fully proven by the best aquascapers and fish-keeping enthusiasts worldwide.
We are happy to introduce Aqaurio's water conditioner to New Zealand hobbyists.

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NEO Fertilisers can be used in response to many different symptoms of undernourishment and optimally used according to the kinds of aquatic plants. NEO Solution is a full lineup of liquid fertilisers intended to support and aid the growth of aquarium plants.

The NEO Plants Tab collection is designed to slow release and allow aquarium plants to absorb nutrients effectively while preventing the appearance of unwanted algae.

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NEO Soil

The Aquario NEO Soil helps to eliminate pollutants within the water column, and the activation of the bottom helps aquatic plants absorb nutrients easily so fertilizers can be used sparingly. These benefits result in beautiful aquatic plant growth, a stable aquarium cycle, and overall product longevity. 

NEO Polycarbonate Pipes

The Aquario Unit Flexible Pipe is a 50cm long pipe with a diameter of 4mm to supply CO2 or Air in the aquarium. The pipe is made of polycarbonate, which makes it stronger and more flexible than acrylic pipes. It also remains transparent compared to conventional pipes, which become cloudy in the long run.


The Aquario NEO CO2 Starter is the perfect solution for your CO2 needs. The simple instructions and ease of use allow any beginner or experienced hobbyist to achieve the best plant growth by introducing CO2 to their aquarium.

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