ZOOLEK Aqua Test NO2

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Aquatest NO2– is used to determine nitrite concentration in the range of 0 – 1,5 ppm. Nitrites are formed in the first step of the oxidation of ammonium compounds by aerobic bacteria as intermediate products of the nitrogen cycle. In the next stage of oxidation, nitrites are converted into nitrates which constitute the final product of the nitrogen cycle in aquariums.

SKU: ZLK1030
ZOOLEK Aqua Test NO2– is used to determine nitrite concentration in the range of 0 – 1.5 ppm. Nitrites are formed in the first step of the oxidation of ammonium compounds by aerobic bacteria as intermediate products of the nitrogen cycle. In the next stage of oxidation, nitrites are converted into nitrates which constitute the final product of the nitrogen cycle in aquariums. A simple measurement method involves adding a suitable quantity of drops of each indicator to the water sample, letting stand the solution for 5 minutes, and then matching the obtained colour with a corresponding colour scale to read the result.

Why measure nitrite content?
Nitrites are toxic and dangerous to aquatic animals. Constant exposure to these compounds at a concentration of above 0.3 ppm becomes harmful to fish, its concentration above 1 ppm is highly toxic and above 5 ppm is lethal. The danger related to elevated nitrite concentration occurs as a consequence of protein build-up in a fish tank along with insufficient aeration and growth of an unbeneficial bacterial flora. Among the main culprits of such a situation are overstocking an aquarium with too many fish, overfeeding, an uncleaned substrate, dirty filters or adding a substance causing die-off of bacteria that participate in the nitrogen cycle.

How to prevent nitrite contamination?
At a nitrite concentration of 0.5 – 1 ppm, half of the aquarium water should be changed. However, in case of a concentration exceeding 1 ppm, almost complete water change is necessary. Additionally, intensive aeration along with filters and substrate cleaning is required.
Inside The Set

  • 2 bottles with reagent solutions
  • colour scale
  • test tube
  • syringe
  • directions for use